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Dual American Nationality
Dual American Nationality is the status as an American Citizen conceded to a foreigner. Is accepted in most of the world, although all countries have different immigration laws regarding Dual Nationality. It is known as "Dual Nationality" because by acquiring American Nationality, you do not lose the nationality of your Country of Origin.
The main advantage is that by obtaining Dual American Nationality, you receive all the benefits of being an American Citizen without losing your Country of Origin benefits. In addition, immediate family members also get the benefits.
For the Dual American Nationality process, it is necessary to have the services of an expert immigration lawyer since immigration laws, requirements, and stages of the process can be confusing and may cause that all benefits of Dual Nationality, could be lost due to an error.
When obtaining Dual American Nationality, more responsibilities are also received because, in addition to new rights, new obligations are also acquired, in both countries, for example, paying taxes or fulfilling military service.
How can you obtain a Dual American Nationality?
There are different ways to obtain a Dual American Nationality, for example:
- If the parents are natives of a foreign country and are in the United States at the time of the birth of their child, the child will obtain Dual American Citizenship.
- If the parents of the minor born in the United States are foreigners, it is possible to apply for the parent's country of origin nationality for their child.
- When you marry outside your country of origin, you may apply for your spouse's nationality.
It should be noted that International Law does not prohibit any person from possessing two or more nationalities. However, there are countries where Dual Nationality is not well regarded.
To obtain Dual American Nationality, the immigration laws of the United States are firm and require to fulfill all requirements that prove the validity of the applicant's Dual Nationality. For this reason, a Migratory Legal Consulting service is essential to avoid making mistakes in the application.